Closed Training

To access information about a pre-arranged closed training for your team or organisation or to book onto a closed event, please enter the access code provided to, and shared by, the commissioner of the training.

Booking multiple attendees

Booking may be made for multiple attendees, providing you have all the required information, including individual email contact details and pre-requisite training evidence where applicable. To add additional attendees, simply select the 'back' button to add each one before completing.

Training requirements and materials

All trainings, except the 2-Day Foundation trainings, require 'pre-requisite' training and evidence is requested to book a place. For Foundation trainings, please enter 'not applicable' when prompted to provide evidence of previous Solihull Approach training.

Training sessions are all accompanied by dedicated resource packs to support learning and ongoing practice. It is essential that registrants attend training with the required resource packs or training manual, as outlined in the session descriptions. These must be purchased separately ahead of beginning the courses.

Booking support

For booking support, please browse our FAQs. If you still require support, please contact our team directly:

Telephone: +44(0)121 296 4448 (UK Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm)

Email: [email protected]

If you have an ACCESS CODE please enter it here


My Bookings   {{loading}}

# Course Date Status Attendees Products Order Total
{{item.title}} {{item.start_date}} {{item.payment_status}} {{item.attendees.length}}
{{item.products.reduce( (base,item) => base + item.quantity*1, 0 )}}
{{item.course.course_status_name}} Fully Booked Only {{item.limits.available}} space{{item.limits.available==1?'':'s'}} available

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{{booking_title}} - Products

# Title Unit Price Quantity Total
{{index+1}} {{item.title}} {{symbol}}{{item.unit_price|currencyFormat}} {{item.quantity}} {{symbol}}{{(item.unit_price * item.quantity * 1)|currencyFormat}}

{{booking_title}} - Attendees

# Name Email Booking Status Attendance Status Options
{{index+1}} {{item.first_name}} {{item.surname}} {{}} {{item.booking_status_name}} {{item.attendance_status_name}}

{{booking_title}} - Invoice Details

Purchase Order Number{{account.purchase_order}}
Organisation Type{{account.organisation_type=='other'?account.organisation_type_other:account.organisation_type}}
Delivery Details
Delivery Address {{account.delivery_address}}
{{account.delivery_city}}, {{account.delivery_county}}
{{account.delivery_country}}, {{account.delivery_postcode}}
Contact Name{{account.delivery_contact_name}}
Contact Email{{account.delivery_contact_email}}
Contact Number{{account.delivery_contact_number}}
Invoice Details
Billing Address {{account.billing_address}}
{{account.billing_city}}, {{account.billing_county}}
{{account.billing_country}}, {{account.billing_postcode}}
Contact Name{{account.billing_contact_name}}
Contact Email{{account.billing_contact_email}}
Contact Number{{account.billing_contact_number}}

My Saved Orders   {{loading}}

# Course Date Attendees Products Options
{{1+index+((force_page-1)*per_page)}} {{item.course.title}} {{}} {{item.attendees?item.attendees:'-'}} {{item.products?item.products:'-'}} Fully Booked {{item.course.course_status_name}}

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